U13 Purple 24/25 - Whetstone

Very Tough game today and an awful pitch. Whetstone have lost very few games this season and top of the table so I knew today would be tough, but I was so impressed with the girls as they didn’t let their heads drop and they continued to keep up the pressure and fight. Whetstone were just the stronger team.
Great attitudes today though whether we win or Learn it’s great to see the girls stick together as a team.
A few bad injuries saw 3 of our players come off and poor Sophie was slipping everywhere in the mud and just couldn’t wrap her hands around the ball, but she made so many great saves!
Another great goal from Katie!! ⚽️ who’s flying as top goal scorer this season! 🏆
POTM goes to Alessia. 🏆 she really worked her socks off today and showed how far she’s come this season. She really gave as good as she got today! 💜
Last official match of the season which has seen wins, loses and draws but the most important thing is the girls have stuck together, they’ve learnt a lot and they’ve continued to have fun! 💜