Corby Kingswood Crusaders Fc - Aztec Braves

Corby Kingswood Crusaders u8 1
Aztec Braves u8 5
1 Aaron Szasko
2 Donnie Cruse
8 Sam Nicholas 🏆
9 Dylan Speirs
10 Jack Hardie
3 Ruben Greaves
4 Kevin Aioanei
5 Bobby Draper
7 Brendan Rowan
Ref Harry Macgregor
100% from the referee very good and very fair throughout the whole game well done Harry.
🏆 = MOTM
The score line didn't reflect on the game I felt that The Crusaders were the better team today but just didn't take our chances, we had a few free kicks which game close with and we lost a couple of silly goals, but that's something I will work on with the team to try and remain focused and to get free kicks on target. Our only goal of the game come from a great run by Dylan Spiers who had his shot saved and the ball deflected into the net by the Aztec defender (Own Goal).
I tried Sam Nicholas at the back in defence for the very first time to see how he could manage and I felt he done absolutely amazing, he put in some solid tackles and made some great clearances and passes to his team mates and for that I chose Sam as MOTM 🏆 well done Sam.