U11 Cougars - Metropolitan Police U10s

Sun, 03 Dec 2023, 09:20
Metropolitan Police U10s - U11 Cougars
09:20 - 11:00 Sunday 3. Dec
Metropolitan Police U10s Blues - Away (League)

It felt like Christmas came early as everything on the coaches wish list turned up on the same day! Great play, teamwork, desire and positivity.. the boys put in a superstar shift that made all the hard work and patience pay off, in emphatic style!

Louis had woken up ill and Jojo hadn't managed to shake a nasty knock from last week so Fin stepped up from the Youth to give us seven players for the day.
[NB - Without Victor there I kept notes on the goals and big moments but there were genuinely so many that instead I've given a summary of each player!]

Ari - his best game of the season. Absolutely impeccable in his positioning, had the opposition chasing shadows. Two assists today and a goal, but the most impressive thing was his positivity, keeping his teammates going and working hard in defence as well as attack. Well done Ari!!

Harry - Two goals and two assists, including a goal where he single handedly forced a mistake from the defender to power home. Didn't want to go in goal for the last quarter but understood he needed to do it for the team and made a fantastic 1 on 1 save. Led the line well and ran tirelessly.

Tom P - A hat trick for the big man today, despite a whole half in goal!! Continued his remarkable progress today, didn't stop running when on field and didn't concede in goal. His direct balls were a nightmare for the oppo today, fantastic performance.

Jermaine - Superb link up play in the middle, with some absolutely sublime through balls. Always looked to be positive and express himself. Rattled his free kick in from distance - he only scores stunners!! Very mature performance

TC - Captain Fantastic today. Didn't get beaten once and forged an unbelievable partnership with Fin today, talking to him throughout. Looked to drive forward from CB at any opportunity which was fantastic to watch, which the opposition couldn't deal with!

Fin - Fin was nervous to come and help us out today but certainly didn't look it! Superstar performance! Broke everything up, always ALWAYS looked to play out of danger when possible, which I personally love. Always calm and positive, worked well with TC and helped release the playmaker with super positioning. Well done Fin!!

Theo - Theo's best performance of the season. Dropped pearlers into the box from corners, including a perfect cross for Harry to volley home the opener - fantastic delivery. Worked up and down tirelessly, positioning was excellent. Moved into PM for a quarter and looked confident, a great performance today.

We always the boys to express themselves as much as possible - enjoy the ball, be entertaining to watch. This performance would be worth anyones Sky Sports subscription.

Simply could not pick a single PotM today so it was shared across them all! Looking forward to next week!! ⚪️🔵🔵⚽️

Harry Oswin 0-1
Thomas Pinchbeck 0-2
Harry Oswin
Ari Shala 0-3
Harry Oswin
Harry Oswin 0-4
Thomas Pinchbeck 0-5
Ari Shala
Jermaine Sulc Tunjano 0-6
Thomas Pinchbeck 0-7
Ari Shala

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