FRIENDLY vs Ulleskelf (A)

Wed, 11 Sep 2024, 18:15
Opponent - SWR U13
18:15 - 20:00 Wednesday 11. Sep
FRIENDLY vs Ulleskelf (A)

This is the second time I've written the match report. My 1,500 word entertaining full coverage of the game just deleted itself. So here is the second one.

3-5 win away and we really deserved it. The kids showed a superb attitude all through, but the last 10 mins they were unreal. Proper heart from everyone.

Eoin x2 Goals

Riley x1 Goal

William x1 Goal (pen)

Max Taylor x1 Goal

Assists - Stoney, William, Zack

MOTM Eoin for two clinical finishes and a good solid half in goal


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