How do I delete a member from a team/the whole club?

Who can delete members from teams?

- Both coaches and assistants can delete members from his/her team (unless you in the club choose to block this option).

- As a club administrator, you can delete all members - both removing their team affiliation individually or deleting them completely from the club on SportMember.

Before you start deleting members, please note that:

  • A member can have an unlimited number of team affiliations both inside and outside your club on SportMember
  • As an admin, you can only edit the member's affiliations to your club
  • A member can be deleted from one/several teams, but only when the member is deleted on his/her last team affiliation in the club, he/she disappears from the club's member overview
  • If the member is deleted from the last team in the club, the member's profile remains active if he/she is on another team outside the club

In other words, if a member is on 3 teams in your club and 2 teams in other clubs on SportMember, the member remains in your club's member profile if he/she is deleted from only 2 of the teams in the club.

If the member is deleted from all 3 teams in the club, he/she will keep his/her team affiliation on the 2 remaining teams outside the club.

There's no answer to this question related to the use of SportMember from the app.

Open Members in the club

  1. Click on on the top left
  2. Click on MEMBERS

You are now in the club's member list and can choose either to delete the member from the club in SportMember or simply remove the member's affiliation to a team (if the member is on more than one team in your club).

Delete member from club

  1. Click on on the right of the member's details in the Actions column
  2. Click on either Delete member on date if the member is to be automatically deleted from the club later, or Delete to delete now

Remove the member's affiliation to a team

  1. Click on on the right of the member's details in the Actions column
  2. Find the team(s) and select Delete from team

If the member has outstanding subscriptions

If you are using the SportMember member fee payment system, you will be reminded of any outstanding member fee payments with the club when you click on .

Here you can choose to delete the payment immediately by clicking on "Delete payment".

If you delete the payment, an email will automatically be sent to the member stating that the payment has been deleted and will no longer be visible on SportMember.

If you do not wish to delete the payment, click Next instead.
Please note that in this case the charge will still appear in Individual Payments as an outstanding amount, even if the member is deleted.

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