Women's 1st XV - Biggar

Oban Lorne ladies took to the road again this weekend for their penultimate game of the season to face up against current league leaders Biggar RFC. The game kicked off well with Oban’s forwards showing their dominance and power in the scrums. Handling errors from both sides meant that there was plenty of opportunity for the girls to impress. Some strong running and communication from Rebecca Sims and Poppy McKillop soon saw Oban camped out well within Biggars half. Not to be held down Biggar showed off their kicking skills only to have the ball returned with precision by Oban’s Ellie Macinnes. The girls edged closer with every forward pod until eventually a gap appeared on Biggars 5-meter line to allow Julie Campbell to cross the line and open the scoring, 0-5 to Oban.
Biggar not to be out done came back hard, with plenty of pace and agility the girls started their attack. Oban dug deep and defended well however injuries started to creep in from both teams stopping the flow of the game. The physicality increased as Biggar began to break through Oban’s defences eventually crossing the line to bring the score equal at 5-5. With time still on the clock Oban picked themselves up and brought it right back to them. However, some errors through lack of discipline lead to Biggar sat on the Oban 5-meter line hitting Oban’s defences with everything that they had. Big tackles from Rebekah Palmer and Jordan MacIntyre helped to force them back inch by inch but communication and determination shone through as Rebecca Sims turned over the ball as the whistle blew at half time.
Biggar came back into the game in the second half ready to pick up where they had left off. Tackles from Arden Binnie and Amy Gibson stopped single runners in their tracks and kept Biggar contained for a while. Eventually Oban began to tire and Biggar took advantage stretching over the line leaving the score at 10-5. This gave Biggar the edge that they needed and third try soon followed as Oban’s discipline wavered through frustration. From next restart Oban dug deep and the girls rallied together pushing deeper into Biggars half. Frustration started to creep in again as possession changed frequently but massive tackles from Caitlin Fowler and Veronica Speirs kept Oban’s hopes alive. After some hard graft and expert passing from Anna Bain, the ball landed in the capable hands of Lindsay MacMillan. With grit and determination Lindsay took off powering through the opposition and secured the final score of the game. Finishing the day with a score or 15-10.
Player of the match from Biggar was awarded to Ellie Macinnes with Oban’s stand out forward being awarded to Lindsay MacMillan and back of the day went to Poppy MacKillop. Looking to build on this the girls have their final game of the season next Sunday against Greenock, kick off at 2 pm.