How to set up a club homepage?

What are the benefits of a club homepage through SportMember?

- No manual editing: the site updates itself

- Coach and member information is updated automatically

- Comprehensive team pages with always updated calendar/membership fee price

- Integrated team registration forms for SportMember

- The website is free to set up

There's no answer to this question related to the use of SportMember from the app.

Open Web and Create Website.

  1. Click on on the top left
  2. Click on  WEB
  3. Click on the green Create website button on the right of your screen

Follow the creation flow and you have now created an club website via SportMember.

Contact Holdsport at this address [email protected] to get help with editing/creating the website. Once the site is complete, we will also help you get your own domain name as the URL.

You can read more about the website module here, including the options to purchase advertising freedom and/or premium layout.

If you have a registered domain name and you want your own website address (URL) through SportMember, please contact our support centre on email [email protected] to complete the address transfer in cooperation with us free of charge.

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