How do I create an event in Ticket sale?

What is ticket sale?

- Club events such as tournaments, camps, social events etc. that cost money to attend

- Anyone can sign up (including people who are NOT members of the club). You do NOT become a member of the club by signing up

- Payment is required upfront. Registration takes place via the link

- Only club administrators and ticket sales managers can create events

- Members can pay via credit card or Apple Pay/Google Pay

- You can create different ticket types/additional services depending on whether you have different contracts and offer optional add-ons

- Tickets include QR codes that you can scan via our app to give participants access to the event

There's no answer to this question related to the use of SportMember from the app.

Make sure you have registered your club's bank account number in SportMember in advance so you can receive payments through the system.

Create event

Go to Ticket sales

  1. Click on Club in the top left corner
  2. Click on the blue Create event button
  3. You will now be asked to fill in the information in the form
  4. Review everything in the overview section and finish creating your event by clicking Save

Note: Ticket sales start/end determines when the event itself takes place, and that is the registration process itself. Registration is automatically closed when the maximum number of participants is reached.

TIP: You can also duplicate an event

You will also be asked to define price and ticket types:

  • Ticket types / Prices:
    • The actual ticket type(s) you buy access to
    • Add as many ticket types as you want

      - On each of these tickets you get the following options:
    • Select how many of this type of ticket are sold in total and the price per piece.
    • Is the ticket only available to members of the club? (You must be logged in to your SportMember profile and be a member of the club to see the price)
    • The ticket has an "early bird" price (the price is available until the specified end date and time, after which the tickets automatically switch to the standard price)
    • Require a response from the ticket buyer (option): the buyer must select one of the predefined options before payment can be completed
    • Require ticket buyer response (text): buyers must answer one or more questions with text responses before payment can be completed
  • Add-ons tickets:
    • Additional options that can be optionally purchased in addition to the ticket itself
    • Add as many as you want
  • Payment:
    • Club account: Where payments should go to
    • Who pays the administration fee
    • Decide on ticket refunds (only SportMember PRO clubs): Once activated, it is possible to refund tickets sold. However, the payment of ticket sales to the club will not be made until 7 days after the end of the event.
    • Show VAT

How do I share my event and sell tickets?

Once your event is created, you will receive a unique link. You can share this link via social media, email or on your website.
Once activated, your event will be visible in your members' calendar on SportMember and possibly also on SportMember's public ticket sales page, making it easier for people to discover and buy tickets.

How do participants receive their tickets?

Each ticket comes with a unique QR code that is sent to the participant by email upon purchase. They can present this QR code on their phone or as a printed version at the entrance of the event.

How do I check tickets at the event?

As a ticket manager, you can scan tickets using the Holdsport app. Simply use your phone's camera to scan the QR codes and the system will automatically confirm the ticket.

  1. Go to Club at the top right of the app
  2. Tap Menu in the bottom right corner and Tickets
  3. Find the event you want to scan tickets for and tap on it
  4. Tap the QR icon in the bottom right corner
  5. You can now scan tickets!

  • TIP: From the computer you will also find a link to the ticket scanner. When this link is opened on a smartphone, the ticket scanner will launch in the Holdsport app so tickets can be scanned directly. You can share the link with those who need access or use it yourself for quick and easy scanning.

How do I edit or cancel an event?

  1. Click on Ticket sales in the menu on the left
  2. Click Edit next to the event name

1. Click on Ticket sales in the left menu
2. Click next to the event name to cancel it

Note: It is not possible to change the start date and time if tickets have already been sold

View registrations

  1. Click on Ticket sales in the menu on the left
  2. Click on the event name
  • Here you can:
    • Edit the buyer's info for any spelling mistakes etc.
    • Resend tickets via email
    • Mark the ticket as used
    • Refund the ticket

  • TIP: You can export an Excel file containing information and adds on
  • TIP: You can also find all transactions under Membership fee og så
    Ticket payments
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