How do I connect my members as parent/child?

Parent/child profil

- A parent profile allows a parent to manage their children's profiles on SportMember with a single login.

- As an administrator, you can link two members of your club as parent/child.

- If the parent is not part of your club, the parent will need to make the connection themselves.

There's no answer to this question related to the use of SportMember from the app.

Open Club members

  1. Click on Club on the top left corner
  2. Click on Members and find the person you want to create as a parent
  3. Then click on
  4. Click on Make parent

  5. Then click on The child has a profile in the club, if the child is already registered as a member in your club

  6. Then, search for the child's name in the search bar and click on Create
  7. A confirmation email will be sent to the member. Once the member has confirmed the connection, you will be able to see the parent/child relationship in your member list by filtering by Parent.

NOTE: Sometimes a parent may accidentally create a member profile for themselves instead of their child.
In this case, after clicking The child has a profile in the club and finding the child in the club, you can activate Remove X from the club afterwards. The parent will be removed as a member in the club but will keep their parent profile

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