How do I create a payment activity?

What is a payment activity?

- Club events such as tournaments, social events, etc. that cost money to attend. Here payment is required upfront and members can pay directly via the SportMember app after which they are listed as registered.

- Club administrators can set up payment activities for all teams in the club. Coaches can set up for their own team(s).

- Members can pay via VISA or Mastercards

(SportMember provides the redemption agreements).

- A payment activity can be set up for a single team or for several teams/departments at once or even for the whole club.

- You can create different types of tickets depending on members are allowed to buy more than one ticket for the activity.

Make sure you have registered your club's bank account number on SportMember in advance, so you can receive payments through the system.

Open a team and the Calendar

  1. Click on the SportMember Logo next to your profile (picture), in the top right corner of the app.
  2. Now select the team in which you want to create a payment activity
  3. Open the Calendar
  4. Click on in the bottom left corner and choose + Activity
  5. Then click on This is a payment activity

Now fill in the information regarding the payment activity completely, as you normally do when creating an activity on a team.

Note the maximum number of participants here, so that the registration is automatically closed when no more tickets are available. To set this, click on Advanced at the top of the screen.

  • TIP: You may also want to consider repeating the payment activity. Then you may not need to create it manually every week.

In the second step, set the price for the payment activity. Here you can also specify different price categories.

Also, choose the bank account to which you want to transfer the funds, and finally, accept the terms and conditions.

Once the payment activity is set up, your members will be able to sign up and pay immediately, both on the computer and through the SportMember app.

When registering, the member now has the choice between the different ticket types and can complete the process by accepting the terms and conditions and clicking on pay.

Once a member/coach has registered for the payment activity, both the price and the time of payment will appear under registrations, in the actual activity in SportMember. Here you can also see who has not yet registered.

When registering, each person pays SportMember directly at the first moment, after which we transfer the money to your bank account within 3-5 banking days (minus the administration fee).

To see if a particular payment has arrived in the bank account, click More, on the right side of the computer screen, and then click Payments.

You can also find all payment transactions under unter Membership fee and the sub-item Overview.

Note: Currently it is only possible to set up team level payment activity in the SportMember app. However, once this is created, it can be opened both on the computer and in the app. Now members can preferentially register and also pay directly.

NOTE: A prerequisite for creating payment activities is that a bank account has been created in the club

Create a payment activity

  1. Click on Club on the top left corner
  2. Click on Calendar in the menu on the left
  3. Click on the green button Create activity in the upper right corner

    You will now be given three options which will determine how many teams the payment activity will appear on and therefore which members/coaches can sign up:

    • Create club activity (One activity for all club members)
    • Create departmental activity
    • Create activity for one or more team
  4. Enter the information about the activity as usual (Create activity).
  5. Activate Payment for registration and enter the price type(s), who the price is for and the price
  6. Then you have to accept the conditions and you can create the activity by clicking the green Create button.

As soon as the payment activity is set up, members have the option on PC and via the SportMember app to sign up and pay immediately.

Members are given the choice of ticket types and must complete the transaction by accepting terms and clicking Pay.

Once a member/coach has signed up for the payment activity, the price and time of payment will appear inside the payment activity itself in Registered, as well as showing who has not yet signed up

When registering, each person actually pays directly to SportMember, as we are in charge of the redemption agreements. From there, the money is sent to your bank account within 5 banking days, minus the administration fee.

To see if the specific payment has ended up in your bank account, click on More on the right of the screen and then Payments.

TIP: You will find all payment activities and their transactions under Membership fee and then Payment activities.

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