Attendance and centre closure

Saudi Rowing - High Performance Centers
21 Aug 2024

Dear athletes,

Two key announcements.

  • If you register for a session you must attend that session. As a coaching team we build the sessions to match the number of attendees so if you do not show up we have to change plans and this effects the whole team. 
  • If you register for a session and later realise you can not attend due to unexpected circumstances, do not message a coach privately. Make the announcement on that session message board so all coaches are aware and have sufficient time to plan and adapt. 
  • Do not withdraw from a session 30mins before it begins. Be better at planning your days and when your morning alarm sounds, get out of bed, do not snooze! It develops weak habits.
  • If you miss sessions you will receive a verbal warning, if you continue to miss sessions you will be banned from attending sessions for a week, if your attitude towards attendance does not change for the better you will be politely asked to find a different sport as rowing isn't for you and the coaches time needs to be spend educating the committed rather than chasing the lazy.


  • As you will have noticed, the centre is shut Thursday PM and all day Saturday to accommodate the National Indoors Championships. 
  • Training will resume as normal from Sunday.

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