League - Men's Doubles - QDJ 2

Last match of the season tonight and a late start due to the opposition turning up 20 minutes late. Turns out they were just noobs to league and didn't know any better. We didn't need the the two hours and finished 15 minutes early... a clean sheet makes the adding up very easy for me
Well done everyone!
Also, thanks to everyone that has played for men's 2 this year. We're currently in 4th place out of 8 teams in the division with more than half of our games remaining - if anyone wants to follow along, here is the table and all match results - Windy Arbour, Nuneaton 4, and AT7 2 are the ones to beat!
Btw, if anyone is interested in individual performance, statistics can be found here.
Most importantly though, it's been a blast playing with everyone and I look forward to more of the same in the new year :)