SWR U14 - Drighlington

Dominated the game but fell behind mid way through the half.
Created lots of chances but finally equalised late on in the half through Arthur, assisted by Harrison.
Started the second half really well and scored through Tyler, assisted by Harrison.
An equaliser came against the run of play.
From there, all one way traffic, culminating in a flurry of quick goals.
Neat play down the left ending with Arthur playing in Tyler to put us infront.
Harrison again playing the ball through for Tyler's hatrick.
A powerful run from Finn brought a free kick. Harrisons ball in, a touch towards goal from Finn ment that the defender put the ball in his own net.
Another Harrison through ball gave Tyler the chance for his 4th which he took well.
A good all round performance and grew into the game. Solid at the back in the second half.
Game finished 6 -2