U13 Purple 24/25 - Hemel Aces Snow Leopards

our first match of the season was at home against Hemel aces snow leopards.
We’re starting the season with 5 new players and this was the first time they’ve all played together.
We kicked off at 11:30 and the weather was already heating up and was a staggering 31 degrees. The team struggled from the moment they stepped on the pitch as they just couldn’t cope in the heat.
both teams played well but with 2 asthmatic players and only 2 subs today players had to stay on the pitch longer than we wanted. We had planned to stop every 15 mins for water breaks however after the second break players just couldn’t cope. They felt dizzy, hot and sick from the heat. GOGS just couldn’t play or focus in the heat.
Isla and Tiarna-Lee had their first competitive match today playing a year up and considering the heat and the opposition both girls smashed it.
Due to most of the team feeling dizzy and light headed I made the decision to stop to game as the well-being of the team is the most important thing. It would have been wrong to force them to continue playing. So unfortunately we had to forefeit.
Not the result we wanted for the opening game of the season, but we go again next week and we’ll keep learning and battling to get better every time.
POTM today was Isla for non stop battling on the pitch and giving today all that she could 🏆🏆🏆