Stockton Netball - Seniors - Cov and NW

Sat, 25 Nov 2023, 12:45
Stockton Netball - Seniors - Cov and NW
12:45 - 13:45 Saturday 25. Nov
C Team v C and NW

Two matches on the trot having our full C team, however, this Saturday didnt quite go the same as last,,,, our player of the match Scarlett excellently brought the ball down the court always finding the perfect space, straight to Kristie who was always there and available, and who also provided some incredible interceptions. Holly was ready for the ball with great split landings, however their defence was fiesty and our tall tower of a GS took a tumbl, our GK and GD could't stop the ball getting to C and NW GS and altogether we lacked the grit we had from last week! It was a well deserved win for Cand NW.

POM Scarlett


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