S&L Juniors U10 Whites - Sandhurst FC U10 Rovers

Away match in persistent rain causing difficult pitch conditions.
One of the best performances, looked like we were in control throughout. If we put more away we may have been well clear. We definitely play best in the break and running at the oppo, the slow ball speed definitely did not help.
Whilst the mud appeared to be fun, the behaviour of the subs was much better. We all seemed to be much more focused on the game and team performance.
We noticed many more clearances from defence, hit quickly and to the sidelines. This was vastly improved.
In slower conditions the distance between attack and defence could have been closer. Some defensive passes were down the middle and easily intercepted, giving oppo a chance. We need to face the ball to make options for the passer to make life easier for them.
There was at least 4 times when the ball dribbled dangerously through our box. An oppo toe poke would have got us further behind. Try to use any body part (not arm if not goalie) to touch the ball away from the oppo, then clear. We can be closer (touch tight) to the oppo to make life more difficult for them. A little shoulder on shoulder pressure is also no bad thing, let them know you're there!
Very few instances where we were overloaded at the back - much better! In some instances the attackers may have run back more to help. CBs were sometimes brought out higher causing gaps behind. For the CBs: your best to stay with the highest oppo attackers, and hopefully receive help.
Try not to criticise players in the team. Mistakes may have been made, but if we work better together these chances may not come to fruition as they are stopped from happening.
Lastly, when we pressed the ball I saw loads of mistakes from the oppo and us taking possession. Some times we lost the ball and applied no pressure to get it back. In 5 seconds we then had to run to get back. Apply pressure from start, turn the ball over and it makes life easier!
Hopefully any negatives from above are seen as constructive observations. Generally it was a well played game, where we were on top and in difficult conditions. Well done!