Dear Athletes,
Below, you will find two links—one for Jeddah and one for Jubail. Please note that completing this form does not confirm your participation but simply indicates your interest. The Federation will review the responses to determine which athletes would like to join the camp starting on the 20th and which prefer to arrive solely for the competition.
As with the Classic Championships, the Federation will cover flight costs. However, during the training camp, athletes will be responsible for covering their own expenses. The Federation will cover costs only during the official competition dates.
Participation in the camp is not compulsory, but if you wish to train before competing, you must complete this form.
Once registration is complete, coaching staff at each centre will assess and approve athletes based on their safety and competitiveness for the competition.
Jeddah link: Jeddah Link, CLICK HERE
Jubail link: Jubail link, CLICK HERE