Club Championships 2025

MVH Tri Club
24 Feb 2025

We're shaking things up this year a bit with the club championship races.

Open Winner - Open and Female

Members will be required to submit their result via a form issued in October of their races. The committee will then take account of their results based on overall performance and also age category. Members need not have entered as MVH, however this may be taken into account when judging.

Volunteer of the Year

This allows for the club to recognise the individual who has given up the most time to the club and the wider racing community. This may be volunteering at races, coaching at club sessional, or organising bike rides etc. This will be a single trophy with nominations made by the individual and the committee the decides the individual. Members of the committee will be excluded from deciding if they are nominated.

Most improve Open and Female

Determined by the coaching team this will recognise the individual who has progressed the most through the year. This may be grassroots, so learning the swim or ride a bike, through to someone who is average becoming excellent.

Club Member

Based on the submission of a nomination form prior to the awards evening, a shortlist will be drawn up. The winner will be voted for from the shortlist (with their nomination published) on the awards evening. The member will be asked to justify why the individual should win the award.

Full Distance

Each member who completes a full-distance race (140.6) will receive a token of recognition.

parkrun League

Members must take part in three different parkruns. The fastest over all time will be the winner. Open and Female categories. Form to be provided in November to members

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